International Patient

International Patient

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​HM Hospitales has been fully committed to offer its international patients the very highest standards in healthcare right from the start.
HM Hospitales is the leading Hospital Group in Madrid, covering all medical and surgical specialties, with 6 General Hospitals and 3 Comprehensive Centres super-specialised in Oncology, Cardiology and Neuroscience. 

international patient assistant​​​​​

After 25 years, our Group remains faithful to the​​ values that have made us an international benchmark, thanks to our advanced levels or specialization, research and technological equipment, and our prestigious professional medical, which altogether ensure that our patients receive a 24/7 fully international personalised and comprehensive service. 

Our international staff speaking over 6 languages will accompany the patient continuously, respecting their opinions and culture.
Patient oriented, a philosophy based on experience and the pillars that have made us an international benchmark in healthcare.

spanish sanity for russian 
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Treatment abroad. Success oriented. A solution for every problem

​​​​​​​International patient mobility driven by access to more prestigious medical treatments and diagnoses and at a most affordable price is registering continuous growth. This phenomenon, commonly known as health tourism​, positions our Hospitals in a privileged position due to their extended international experience and the highest professional standards. This encourages us to further improve not only our international patient care protocols, but also to continue seeking agreements and cooperation with other countries in order to expose the advanced specialisation of our services and facilitate better access to those services for our patients.

HM Hospitales​ has a long-standing experience as it has been treating many international patients for many years who come from all over the world. These international patients may come to us from their country of residence for a second medical opinion​, attracted by the prestige of medicine in Spain, by our professional specialists, our advanced technologies and the well-recognised quality of our healthcare services, or they may be expatriates, such as diplomats from the different embassies located in Madrid, employees of international companies, or students who are over on an exchange program. We also assist a great amount of tourists​ who have required medical assistance at some point during their trip.

HM Hospitales offers a patient oriented vision of medicine that focuses on their health and needs. For this reason, each patient has a medical team created specially based on the patient´s illness, guaranteeing that each professional on the team is the best in their specialised field.

International Patient Healthcare

This team works in coordination with the rest of the specialists in the hospital and with the patient´s doctors at their place of residence, in the case it is needed, to guarantee the best pre and post-treatment comprehensive care. 

In order to request medical assessment, you may contact us under or (+34) 914 452 126

​Please provide as much medical information as possible. Our team will reply within 48-72 hours according to the degree of specialisation. You will receive a detailed costs estimate for the requested services.

Once the patients accept coming to our facilities and arrive at our Hospitals, our multilingual employees will meet them in our reception personally and accompany them throughout the whole process in coordination with the whole Hospital. All services and procedures are carried out directly, quickly and efficiently, so that the patient feels safe and secure and there is no potential language barrier between the doctor and the patient. After their visit, patients receive all their medical records in a clear an efficient way.

Likewise, we will ensure that the patient´s doctor at home, their family members or their healthcare insurance providers are duly and constantly informed of the patient´s medical evolution​, whenever required.

Designed for you. Because your health travels with you

​​​​​​From HM Hospitales we understand we must play a role in supporting international patients by seeking to build as many ties as possible with their countries of origin, so as to facilitate them the access to our medical treatments.

If you are an expatriate such as a diplomat, an employee of any international company, a student over on an exc​hange program or a tourist who requires medical assistance at some point during your stay in the area of Madrid, Toledo or La Coruña we will be your best option as medical provider.​​

personalised international patient

Our experience with many international medical insurance companies will facilitate your medical assistance as well. ​Our exclusive and personalised international patient department​ is at your disposal 24/7/365 with a dedicated email and telephone line where you will be assisted in an efficient way, trying to solve your queries as soon as possible.

Only the best

​​#1 in medical technology and innovation

​Our ongoing commitment to ensuring that our medical teams have access to the latest technologies and innovations in medicine​ is the key to our success and our view of medical practice. This has made us the leading Hospital Group in Madrid and allows us to offer our patients personalized treatments, providing them with access to the latest breakthroughs that occur in the field of medical-technological progress every single day.

#1 in research applied to the patient

Our Research applied and Teaching practices also make us the leading private Hospital Group​ in this important aspects of medicine. Since the beginning, our principle has always been to incorporate research in each unit and speciality´s daily work, which ensures that our medical teams will have quick and easy access to the latest breakthroughs that can be immediately applied to the patient.​​

University students can train at our hospitals​ under direct supervision of doctors and teachers with the highest qualifications. Furthermore, we receive doctors from all over the world who come to complete their students at our centres every year.

#1 in installations and facilities

Our hospitals are designed to make life easier to our patients and make the work of our professionals easier.

With exquisite care paid to detail, we create hospitals that compete with the best cutting-edge private hospitals in the world. Facilities that guarantee that patients will have the peace of mind of knowing they will be cared for in an extraordinary hospital, but with the levels of comfort they could expect in a hotel​​. A perfect balance between health, design and comfort, so that the patients feel at home at all times. ​​

International services


  • ​​​​​We have Interpreters speaking over 6 languages who will accompany the patient continuously, respecting their opinions and culture. 

  • ​​All our Hospitals have 24/7/365 emergency service​. 

  • All medical specialties​ available.

  • Home doctor and ambulance service in case of emergency.

  • Management of appointments with specialist physicians, according to the patient´s availability in a personalised way. 

  • We liaise with the patient´s international insurers, carrying out all the necessary procedures. We work with the majority of international medical insurance companies, contact us for further information:

  • Airport transfers and accommodation are available for those patients looking for treatment abroad.​

  • In HM Hospitales we collaborate with different partners to assist you and help you during you staying in Madrid. 

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​​​​​​​​Once the patient contacts us, our international personnel will answer any queries and respond to any needs they may have, so that they can be treated in our Hospitals in a personalised, efficient and effective manner. The patient can trust and be sure of total confidentiality if they wish to come to one of our Hospitals.

Contact us:

Office number: (+34) 914 452 126  (+34) 629 823 493

emergency medical assistance

​​Emergency medical assistance 24/7: (+34) 629 823 493​ 

Fax: (+34) 915 938 661

Are you a doctor?

​​​​We are in contact with all those countries that are committed to quality medicine and are interested in long-term cooperation.

If you are a doctor and you are interested in looking for alternative treatments for your patients do not hesitate to contact with our medical team via international​ or (+34) 914 452 126​​.

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